Saturday, 4 April 2020

Appeal to all Railway Servants of N F Railway for Contribution to PM CARES Fund


Contribution to “Prime Minister’s Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situations Fund” (PM CARES Fund)’: COVID-19 Pandemic

 Declaration Form for Voluntary Contribution

(Click the link of declaration form  to submit your Option)

Ref.: GM(P)/NFR/MLG's letter No.MISC- 3078, No.E/195 G/I Pt.XIV (C) Dated: 03.04.2020 (

In terms of Railway Board’s letter dated 30.03.2020 circulated vide GM(P)/NFR/MLG’s letter MISC- 3072, No.E/195 G/I Pt.XIV (C) dated 30.03.2020 on the above subject, it has been decided that an appeal should be made to each one of Railway Servants under your control through letters, SMS and other electronic means of communication duly involving recognized Trade Unions etc. to generously contribute to “Prime Minister’s Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situations Fund” (PM CARES Fund): COVID-19 Pandemic in partial supersession of the Board’s referred letter dated 27.03.2020. It may be noted that donations to the PM CARES Fund will be exempted from Income Tax under Section 80(G) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 for those taxpayers who wish to opt for benefit of deduction(s).

In order to facilitate voluntary and generous contribution to PM CARES Fund to support the government in the wake of this emergency due to the pandemic of COVID-19, it is suggested that one day’s basic pay should be deducted from Salary bill of April/2020 from all Railway Servants of N. F. Railway except those who give a specific declaration for either of the following option :-

(a) Option 1 - Deduction of One Day's Basic Pay
(b) Option 2 - Deduction of an amount less than One day's basic pay
(c) Option 3 - Deduction of an amount more than One day's basic pay
(d) Option 4 - No Deduction to be made

 In case no option is received in writing or through any other electronic media (SMS, WhatsApp or online Option Form) to respective controlling officers, supervisors or Bill Clerks, it will be presumed that employee is willing to contribute one day’s Basic Pay and accordingly the amount will be deducted from his/her salary of April/2020.

Keeping in view the lockdown of the entire nation upto 14-04-2020 and in order to facilitate the employees to submit their respective option from home through mobile device or Computer, a web based online Declaration Form has been created which can be used to submit the option for contribution to PM CARES Fund. The short url link of the online Declaration Form is –

The link of the said online Declaration Form for contribution is also available on the website of N. F. Railway, Notice Board webpage of Personnel Department ( and NFREIS mobile App.  The url link of the declaration form may be widely circulated through SMS, WhatsApp, email and other social medias for information of all Railway Servants and appeal for contribution involving recognized Trade Unions etc. All Sr.DPOs/DPOs, SPOs/APOs of Workshops and Bill preparing Officers of HQ will be given accessible links to get the data of options received though online declaration form.

The said option is to be submitted to respective Supervisors/Controlling Officers physically or SMS or through online Declaration Form on or before 07-04-2020. 
This issues with the approval of competent authority. 

General Manager(P)/NFR/Maligaon

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